Flash Harry Damp Doktor Face Brick Sealer 5lt

Flash Harry Damp Doktor Face Brick Sealer 5lt


DAMP DOCTOR FACE BRICK and MASONRY sealer is an invisible, deep penetrating, weather resistant,
water and dirt repellent, which seals brick, stone, concrete and mortar surfaces against penetrating rain,
water from garden irrigation systems, taps or down pipes. On any porous, such as pre-cast concrete walls,
DAMP DOCTOR FACE BRICK and MASONRY Sealer will prevent algae growth and subsequent
discoloration. On raw plaster surfaces, DAMP DOCTOR FACE BRICK and MASONRY Sealer will
dramatically improve the adhesion and coverage of decorative paints. DAMP DOCTOR FACE BRICK and
MASONRY Sealer is available in 25L and 5L containers.

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Clear liquid. Application brush, roller or spray. Drying time allow three hours drying time before over coating. Non flammable.